
One Dead, One Wounded in Texas in Second School Shooting Today

Police and university officials said the campus has been locked down, following the shooting, which took place around 11:30 a.m. Central Time in the student housing area.


Scanner traffic from the Houston Fire Department revealed paramedics may have performed CPR on at least one of the shooting victims, the Chronicle reported. Houston police say two suspects are in custody and they are looking for a third person. Shooting erupted near the Texas Southern University campus forcing UH’s neighboring campus into lockdown, according to KTRK.

The incident occurred just hours after another shooting near the same housing complex.

The university said that classes had been cancelled for the day.

“Like President Obama says, this is getting to be too regular”, Texas Southern president John Rudley said.

The most recent shooting happened Friday at the University Courtyard apartments.

Earlier today, another school shooting took place at Northern Arizona University, killing one person. The other person who was shot is hospitalized in stable condition, according to Houston police.

This is the third shooting in recent days at TSU.

A TSU university spokesperson said It is not clear if the incidents are related.


About 9,700 students are enrolled in the school. “It’s insane. It’s broad daylight’ she said”. A possible suspect has already been detained in the shooting.

Houston Police vehicles respond after a shooting at Texas Southern University Friday Oct. 9 2015 in Houston. A student was killed and another person was wounded in a shooting outside a student-housing complex on Friday and police have detained at lea