
‘Republicans for Bernie Sanders’? The socialist senator says they exist

Sanders has caught up to frontrunner Hillary Clinton in important states such as Iowa and California, and now just trails Clinton by 12 percentage points in the polls, 35 to 47, according to the Sacramento Bee.


Whether Joe Biden gets into the race or not, his camp has signaled that he won’t be in the first of six Democratic debates.

The Arizona Democrat said what attracted him to Sanders was the Vermont senator’s consistency throughout the years.

The article, which was authored by Clinton beat reporter Amy Chozick, also declares that the first Democratic debate will give the party’s front-runner a chance to express at long last her “genuine passion for policy”.

Even his most ardent supporters, and I count myself among them, have been surprised by how fast and how far he’s risen.

Though they may disagree with Sanders’ position on certain issues – abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage, etc. – working-class Republicans still need to send their children to college or have been hurt by the outsourcing of factory jobs to China, he said.

Measured another way: Clinton’s campaign has aired more TV ads than the campaigns of Republicans Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio – combined.

Citrin chalked the poll numbers up to Sanders’ ability to “appeal to passionate elements of the base” while Clinton’s email problems “cast a kind of shadow over her” whether or not there’s actually fire beneath the smoke.

“I know something about immigration, because my dad came to this country from Poland at the age of 17 without a nickel in his pocket, without much of an education, and without knowing the English language”, Sanders told the crowd of Latino activists. “Everyone in this country who studies hard should be able to go to college regardless of income”.

Carmona says voters can expect to hear more about Sanders’ backstory in the weeks ahead.

Bernie also seems like he may actually be a real person.

Grijalva, a liberal Democrat serving his seventh term representing a southern Arizona district including Tucson, is co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which Sanders – a self-described Democratic socialist – helped cofound as a House member in 1991. When asked a year ago, 58 percent of North Carolina voters support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

“This is nothing new for the campaign, this type of challenge”, Carmona said. As things stand, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives doesn’t have enough staff to enforce existing rules, let alone new ones. He wants to bring the government away from fiscal corruption, but calls on the American people to make sure to use their votes to get the attention they deserve.

Bernie Sanders has set himself up as a revolutionary candidate.


Part of that strategy will be continue improving Sanders’s social media game, which he has already dominated out of the starting gate. I figured Bernie’s role in the race was simply to pull Hillary Clinton to the left on economic issues and after Clinton won the presidency he would go back to the Senate to raise hell. I choose to support him because he’s a good, honest, decent human being.

Bernie Sanders