
Arkansas Department of Health to host flu vaccine clinics

Officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that while flu activity is now low across the United States, outbreaks can begin in October and vaccination is critical.


Manufacturers have projected that they will provide between 171 and 179 million doses of vaccine for the US market this flu season, according to the CDC. That means 72 percent of Americans who got a flu shot last fall got the flu anyway.

“Every vaccine hurts when you get the shot but then the pain goes away and its much more valuable to have the protection for the season than the pain in the arm”, said Gray. For kids under two, older adults, pregnant women and people with chronic health conditions like asthma, heart disease or diabetes, the flu can be especially severe, even fatal.

The seasonal flu vaccination programme for 2015/16 is under way with “at risk” people being urged to get the vaccine. As part of the Affordable Care Act, immunizations, including flu, are covered as preventive care, meaning that many people can get vaccinated for little to no cost for the vaccine.

Last year, when the virus mutated, the vaccine was only about 19% effective.

Although the study found a reduced risk of flu-related pneumonia in vaccinated people, the researchers did not find that the vaccine itself prevents pneumonia.

One-hundred-and-one flu deaths were recorded across the province and influenza landed more than 1,300 Albertans in hospital by the time the flu season ended in the spring. The drug can reduce the number of days you’re sick and can ease your symptoms.

You’re building herd immunity when you get a flu shot, because you’re less likely to spread germs to other people with whom you come in contact. Flu vaccine helps your body fight the flu during the height of the flu season, which is generally December through March.

“The flu virus is more risky to children than the common cold”.


This year’s vaccine aims to tackle the strain that caused the most problems.

It's time to get your flu shot