
Pak PM Nawaz Sharif raises Kashmir issue in United Nations speech

“This was precisely what was discussed and decided by the two Prime Ministers at Ufa this July”, she asserted at the annual General Debate, referring to the proposal presented by Pakistan yesterday.


To a question, Dr Maleeha informed that Prime Minister Sharif attended important events hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping where he aptly described Pakistan’s stance on important issues such as South-South Cooperation and gender empowerment.

Sharif said he was proposing a new four-point peace initiative with India, starting with measures that are the simplest to implement.

One dossier relates to Pakistan’s tribal areas, another relates to Karachi, and the third to the southwestern region of Baluchistan, she said.

Swaraj also exhorted the worldwide community to not categorise terrorists as “good” or “bad” and underscored the need for “zero tolerance” for terrorism and to not ascribe any religion to terrorists as they have no religion. He added that over 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed, thousands of women widowed and raped, and children orphaned by this brutal occupation and the most egregious form of state terrorism by India.

In an address to the UN General Assembly, Sharif said cease-fire violations in Kashmir were intensifying, causing civilian deaths, including of women and children.

He said that Pakistan was keen to have peaceful neighbourly relations but India had not reciprocated with the same sentiments. “Recently we have caught two Pakistani terrorists alive”, she said.

At the heart of the problem, Singh said “is a state that regards the use of terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft”.

“We do not want 4 factors, we’d like only one: Give up terrorism and let us sit down and speak”, she stated.

In fact, India’s reservations about the proposed China-Pakistan Economic Corridor stem from the fact that it passes through Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan for many years.

“If their response is serious and credible, India is prepared to address all outstanding issues through dialogue”, she said.

He called upon the global community to play its role for the regional peace.

Swarup tweeted that the “Pak PM gets foreign occupation right, occupier wrong”.

Pakistan claims to be the primary victim of terrorism.


In a statement to CNS, spokesperson of UJC, Syed Sadaqat while quoting Council Chief Syed Sallahuddin said, “India should shun its intransigence and accept reality that Kashmir is a long pending dispute which needs to be resolved”.

Sushma Swaraj India's minister of external affairs speaks during the 70th session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York Oct. 1 2015