
Bernie Sanders snags first congressional endorsement

People in that camp are calling for the restoration of Glass-Steagall, a rule that separates investment banks from traditional banks.


Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to crack down on irresponsiblebehavior by Wall Street players by imposing a new fee on large financial institutions and vowing that individual bankers who violate the law will be “prosecuted and imprisoned”.

But O’Neal said he believes Sanders can win in Arizona against both Clinton and the eventual Republican nominee. Though the frontrunner, Clinton is far from progressive-for example, she waited until 2013 to publicly advocate for gay marriage, and did not take a stand against the construction of the Keystone Pipeline until earlier this autumn.

Following the Oregon shootings, Clinton laid out her plan to address gun violence, where Sanders has been at odds with a few Democrats and liberals. He mentioned her experience as a senator and as a first lady. But Democrats argue the press and voters should not lose sight of fundamental trends in the race that still support Clinton. Sanders’s father came to the United States as a teenager and worked most of his life as a paint salesman.

And just two weeks ago, Clinton finally took an official stance on the Keystone XL Pipeline, breaking her long term silence on an issue that had been plaguing her since she resigned as secretary of state. Clinton admitted she had neither seen nor read the agreement.

So Sanders is working to expand his base. Sanders spoke on the topic at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual Public Policy Conference.

However for every Gallant there must be a Goofus and so let us consider Donald Trump. He also attributed the lack of jobs with a correlation to the interests of the 1 percent, as corporations are outsourcing jobs with the support of the US government through tax breaks and subsidies.

A new face in the presidential race, however, has turned everything I’ve learned about campaigns around entirely.

The 74-year-old Vermont senator briefly touched on Friday’s college campus shootings in Flagstaff and Houston.

Karina Preciado-Quintanilla, an academic adviser at Brandman University in California and a master’s student herself, asked Sanders in the rope line how she’d be able to escape the burden of student loan debt and afford a house. In an interview with PBS anchor Judy Woodruff Wednesday evening, Clinton said “What I know about it, as of today I’m not in favor of what I’ve learned about it”. “He said that the new reform would be to un-fix it and get the lowest rates possible”.

Potts Field – where the rally will be hosted – can accommodate up to 10,000 people, but it’s unclear how many tickets will be made available for the event.

“That is the whole appeal”.


She quickly transitioned into finger-pointing mode, lamenting “the hold the NRA has over members of Congress”. Sanders’ unique ability to create camaraderie within his supporters is dependent on his constant relation of his policies to the distribution of wealth in this country. Many hope that Bernie’s honest faith in the younger generation will inspire America’s youth to register to vote. “And, man, he’s got the guts”, she said. “I’ve never seen so many of my friends into politics”.

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