
Bernie Sanders Is Catching Up To Hillary In Another Unexpected Way

The figure draws attention to the growing relevance of Senator Sanders’s insurgent campaign, which “has been discounted by many party leaders as a serious threat to Clinton”, as The Washington Post puts it. Both the New Jersey Education Association and Massachusetts Teachers Association said they would not support an NEA primary endorsement at this time, and a few teachers and rank-and-file members unhappy about the endorsement have taken to Twitter using the hashtag #NoEarlyEndorsement. Clinton and her aligned super PAC will still outspend Sanders on TV, but it won’t be totally lopsided or at least as lopsided as everyone, including Sanders and his team, expected. Those groups, which are legally not supposed to work in concert with candidates but can advertise on their behalf, report their fund-raising separately.


Clinton’s haul indicates that one of her biggest advantages – the ability to tap into one of the most successful fundraising networks in US politics – is fading, according to The New York Times. But the first Democratic presidential debate on October 13 could end the dearth of Sanders campaign coverage on network TV, who may be forced to address why so many Americans already “Feel the Bern”.

Bernie Sanders has closed the gap on Hillary Clinton in national polling and in fundraising, but he’s clinging to the hope that he can win without going negative on her.

In total, Clinton ended the quarter with more money in her bank account – $32 million to Sanders’ $25 million. In-person fundraisers generally require larger contributions, meaning the donors there are typically giving somewhere near the maximum ,700 personal donation.

The Clinton Foundation was established in 2001 by former US President Bill Clinton as a humanitarian foundation.

Sanders, when interviewed by David Axelrod for his “Axe Files” podcast, stated that he still hopes to “never run a negative ad”, but left the door open to possibly changing things this cycle. At the beginning of his campaign, she and many other candidates laughed off his stardom as a passing fad, but now in the fifth month of him leading the polls, the secretary of state has become fed up. Thanks to the .5 million she had raised during the previous quarter, Hillary has now brought in roughly $75 million since she officially declared, compared with the roughly $41 million Sanders has since he did the same.

million:The amount of donations to Clinton’s campaign in the third quarter.

Clinton has said repeatedly that the unusual homebrew server she used was secure.


“Sanders was initially dismissed by political insiders as a fringe candidate running only to push Hillary Rodham Clinton to the left”.

Phil Roeder  Flickr