
Baltimore PD Lacks Info To Produce Ben Carson Police Report

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham also condemned Carson’s comments: “This shows that Dr. Carson is not ready to be commander-in-chief”.


He originally said – mistakenly – that the episode appeared in Carson’s book Take the Risk. That, or he’s taken the GOP “law” of never apologizing for anything (no matter if you’re caught in a bold-faced lie) to heart.

No, sir, if a gunman asked Ben Carson his religion, as the Oregon gunman did, Carson would boast he is a Christian, apparently before bashing the gunman into unconsciousness with his stethoscope.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has been under fire this week for comments he made following a mass shooting that killed nine people at a community college in Oregon.

As noted, that’s not the way the Baltimore Popeye’s encounter went down.

‘I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye’s organization, ‘ Carson told Sirius XM radio host Karen Hunter on Wednesday.

Carson told Fox News if he were confronted by a gunman, “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me”.

“If I had a little kid in kindergarten somewhere I would feel much more comfortable if I knew on that campus there was a police officer or somebody who was trained with a weapon”, he says.

“We want a president to have a basic standard of belief, but I think we don’t necessarily want presidents who would be proselytizing and exhorting others to follow them, as that would be something we would see as crossing the line”, he said.

The insensitivity of the statement aside, the hypocrisy of the comments are almost comical. “And they allow the side in that they pick to get away with all kinds of things”.

A few might call that hypocritical. Suggestions that Dr. Carson is lying are outrageous. You do not see them going after [Hillary Clinton] or [Joe Biden] for slightly thing like that.

Then, there’s this comment about the Holocaust: “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed”. I wasn’t fearful for my life at all. They know the difference between saying “I wouldn’t vote for a Muslim” and “A Muslim shouldn’t be President”, especially in running for a position that manages the Federal Election Commission.

Not only was the action hypocritical, the telling of it was arrogantly flippant.

The Daily Beast had also raised the fact that Carson is a vegetarian. And how does placing another human being in harm’s way – his “redirecting” of the robber – set with the Hippocratic Oath, which prompts those in the medical field to do no harm?


In this day and age, it is assumed by the press that it is risky, even political suicide, to challenge Carson’s views on Muslims.

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