
Supporter Arnold Schwarzenegger calls gay marriage verdict ‘right decision’

The world is celebrating and so is Arnold Schwarzenegger as he believes that the US Supreme Court’s ruling to legalise same-sex marriage nationwide is the “right decision”.


Yesterday America’s Supreme Court voted in favour of granting same-sex couples the right to marry regardless of where they lived in the country.

And the bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-politican hit back at the ex- fan in fantastic form.

One Facebook user, however, sullied the good news by commenting: “What’s wrong with U Arnie?”

It wasn’t long before Arnie’s retort went viral, with many flocking to the comment section of his pic to defend his honour and praise the star for his brilliant comeback.

This woke the terminator inside Arnold and he shut down the homophobe in the most terminator way ever.


[ Arnie Talks Maria Shriver Split ].

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