
Facebook & Twitter Celebrates Marriage Equality | Galaxy Reporter

All over Facebook there are profile pictures with rainbow casts over them from people who are in the LGBT community as well as supporters of marriage equality. Most of the Facebook users are wondering why their news feed is filled with rainbow profile pictures at the moment. It is also LGBT Pride Month.


The first and one of the largest companies to lend its support to the decision was Google, writing, “YouTube and Google are proud to celebrate marriage equality”, on its home page, along with the hashtag #ProudtoLove. With the help of the new tool, Facebook users can now surf over to the social networking site’s “Celebrate Pride” page, and click on a button to superimpose an opaque rainbow design over their existing profile photo. Facebook made a feature turning profile pictures into rainbow-colored images in support of the LGBT community.

“I’m so comfortable for all of my buddies and everybody in our group who can lastly have fun their love and be acknowledged as equal couples beneath the regulation”, he stated.

Facebook is joining in the celebration after Friday’s historic ruling on same-sex marriage from the USA Supreme Court.

“Our country was founded on the promise that all people are created equal, and today we took another step towards achieving that promise”, said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg following the decision. We are excited to work in good faith with Facebook to address all the concerns raised in today’s meeting.

Same -sex marriages are now a constitutional right of the US gay community acknowledged by the 14th Amendment.

While people tweeted their support and happiness in the ruling, Twitter also included a small update to the hashtag #LoveWins. ResearchKit has been launched by Apple, and will look at and collect the health information of those in the LGBT community, and give medical researchers more information to work with, which will hopefully improve the overall healthiness of Americans broadly.


The United States joins Finland and Ireland in legalizing gay marriage this year, bringing the total number of countries that recognize the union up to 22.

Here's What Happens If You Google 'Gay Marriage' Today