
God’s plan for world lies in Jesus

What should I be praying about, as well as, what should I be preaching? I’d like to answer this question from two perspectives. First of all, your destiny would change. Before we understand the greatness of what Jesus has done for us at the cross we must grasp the greatness of our need. Mark already identified Jesus as Son of God at the beginning of his gospel. He held them in their pain. They seem to have blinders on. They range in different forms and ways in our lives: financial struggles that have evicted you from your attractive home or natural disasters, no job and you live in shelter, your children are not doing well or are shot, you are divorced, you are sick and disabled, no money to go to school, you have been in that struggle for many years, you are in prison, or whatsoever is causing you ridicule or shame. During the sermon, the bishop reminded the audience that in keeping the commandments, they should always portray humility. The Holy Spirit was given to seal the unity in mission. Your name may be listed as the first example under the dictionary definition of “hubris”, meaning “extreme pride and arrogance” (the kind that leads ultimately to disaster), but our society will be too impressed by what you possess to care much about what you are.


The book of Acts tells the story about the disciples of Jesus Christ spreading the good news of the gospel to their world. They seem to have little or no concept of defending themselves from this wicked one.

All this to share with you something I have been spending a lot of time with this week in studying 1 Corinthians 14. How about love verses jihad? Because these moments of joy are windows of light streaming into a suffocating world, revealing the truth of God’s reign beyond the walls of violence we have built up around ourselves. It is a perspective that opens the way for all manner of misuse and abuse of one’s body and the bodies of others, and fosters a subtle contempt for creation and culture. We recognize that we are strangers and pilgrims in the world. If a church is teaching that each person is a minister called to share the Gospel, then the use of social media must come under the lordship of Christ. I know that following Jesus allows for a wide range of human emotion, but it also calls for vigilance against despair and apathy. The PA has never kept the agreement anyway as their former leader Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the basis of dropping Israel’s destruction from its charter. Does this mean they’re now officially terrorists again as the Oslo Accords had legitimized them? The Scripture says: “God is good to those who wait for Him”. Allah is nothing but a lie. One safeguard our Founding Fathers provided was the ballot box. The hope is a free gift of redemption that Jesus bought for you at the cross. Jesus insists He prays for those who have been given to Him by God the Father (See 17:4, 6, 9).

We see the beauty and profundity and wisdom in Jesus and it touches our souls. One way would be to deny them or try to put them out of your mind – and in reality, that’s what many do.

Our value is worthy the blood of Jesus. Our fight is against Satan’s forces.

Jesus says money does not belong to the believer: it belongs to someone else.

“Dear Lord, I come to you as a misfit, and fully unqualified. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. Have you ever been overwhelmed by Jesus’ teachings? Forgive my sins. I want my life to change.

Remember friends what Paul said, our fight is not with flesh and blood, but against Satan’s forces. I was forced to reflect on the fact that there are people my age who are willing to literally die for their faith, yet I’m here, in the safety of my comfortability, living a seemingly mediocre faith life.

Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away”.

True assurance of salvation only comes when we tap into the bottomless tank of faith that the power of the Holy Spirit gives us. The banners always underscore that the church is founded by bishop X or prophet Y. This trend has grown into a real normal practice in recent times. A witness tells what he or she saw, heard and experienced. God himself! As God proclaimed concerning the priests and the Levites of the Old Testament: “It shall be, in regard to their inheritance, that I am their inheritance”. King David says: “When I am afraid, I will trust the Lord”.


The Lord then showed me a picture of a hand squeezing her forehead. Even for the sake of peace, I have said sorry to those I knew deeply hurt me, even though I knew they were at fault.
