
Two Indian Americans Among 10 Finalists in NASA’s Space Challenge

Since astronauts use a lot of containers, a competition like this makes sense. The reasons for this change can be a bit unclear, and as a result, NASA is launching an initiative to learn the causes. The winning designs focused on making life in space a little more comfortable for astronauts, NASA said.


In order to use the limited space on global Space Station, the Collapsible Container can expand and compress to perfectly fit its contents.

The government space administration’s plan has an extra benefit: their study will also be of aid to individuals undergoing chemotherapy, who experience similar symptoms in treatment. To make them explode, Kelly puts an effervescent tablet in the water ball to create carbon dioxide gas – something that would typically just rise to the surface, but since there is no gravity they just head to the outer edges of the ball, expanding until the bubbles pop and the water goes everywhere in a spectacular explosion.

NASA expects that, once astronauts are done testing them aboard the worldwide Space Station, the cameras will help advance research by delivering higher resolution images and higher frame rate videos than the cameras now used by scientists. The colors, the textures, and other minute detail can be easily noticed in this video. According to NASA, it is better for the astronauts on ISS to film a more detailed video and send it back to earth for further analysis. One follower voiced his opinion in the following manner.

American Space Agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has recorded first ever 4K ultra high definition (UHD) video in space. He recently made the rounds by sharing photographs from his ISS stay, including an incredible picture of the Northern Lights as seen from space, which Kelly uploaded to his Twitter account.


What do you do when NASA asks you to push the boundaries of human spaceflight by spending more time on board the worldwide Space Station than anyone before you – 365 consecutive days to be exact?

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