
Gun Control Laws: Senate Democrats Introduce Renewed Push for Stronger Regulation

The Republican majority whip has introduced legislation to combat mental health issues connected with gun violence by building legal tools for court-ordered psychiatric supervision.


“And then you’ve got people running for President on the other side who say ‘well, um, you know, we just need more guns, ‘” she said.

“Guns are incredibly lethal”, he said. That’s a total of 66,019 people who were killed or injured by a gun, which comes out to 1,269 per week, 180 a day or 7.5 per hour. A knife wound is about eight times less likely, for instance, to take a life than a gunshot wound.

“It’s all fodder for the deranged fanatics of the American gun lobby, with a bible in one hand and an assault rifle in the other”. Instead, they push gun control initiatives that would not have prevented any of the tragedies they seek to exploit. Pro-reform politicians often don hunting outfits and shoot deer or birds to curry favor with those who mistrust them.

Last month in Virginia, Gov. Terry McAuliffe raced to televisions everywhere to demand background checks for guns after a deranged gunman killed a reporter and her cameraman live on television.

NBC reports that the president hasn’t decided on a number yet but anyone above the limit would qualify as “in the business” and incur responsibility for mandatory background checks.

Just before the shooting, only 37 per cent thought gun ownership was a safety threat.

Ron Wyden, D-Ore., in a press conference on the Capitol steps.

The U.S. Senate is taking another crack at legislation to curb gun violence, a week after a shooting at an Oregon community college that left nine dead. (If the killing of 20 elementary students in Sandy Hook didn’t sway gun-loving hearts and minds, nothing ever will.) The only recourse is to find a way to provide for the casualties of our national gun fetish.

To succeed, they are counting on a major effort to rally the public to change the politics of gun control, arguing it is up to Americans who say they support new gun laws to persuade Congress to adopt them. The arrest should have barred him from purchasing a weapon. He passed background checks. There are almost 32,000 gun-related deaths in the USA per year.

“Over the last few years, Gabby, Mark and ARS staff have met with various administration officials to discuss how we can work together to address America’s gun violence problem”, Carusone said by e-mail. Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton has unveiled an ambitious gun control plan. Even among Republicans support for stricter gun laws (27%) is greater than support for weakening gun laws (19%).

The time has come to recast this battle as a fight to hold those who make billions of dollars from the sale of firearms accountable for what their products do to individuals and communities. So it’s hard to know what to make of the connection. The United States does have the highest rate of gun murder among major developed countries.

The good news is that gun deaths are down by close to half from two decades ago. But in fact, the proliferation of campus-carry, stand your ground and “guns everywhere” laws is a grave threat to our freedom.


For this will not be adequately and effectively dealt with until and unless “we the people” begin citizen’s movements; until we organize, agitate, strike, and boycott those who place profits before human lives.
