
The Walking Dead: Cast and Crew Talk Season Six Premiere

This will keep the season finale of “Fear the Walking Dead” as close as possible to the start of the seventh season of “The Walking Dead“.


Speaking on Thursday at New York Comic Con, Kirkman discussed what fans can expect this season as its characters continue to evolve and fight for their lives against the walkers. Over time, it’s evolved from being about people trying to escape the undead to people trying to outlast others as civilization and order has crumbled around them. Rick in particular took a no tolerance stance, taking an approach of unapologetic brutality in murdering Pete, a fellow Alexandrian. “Seeing these groups coexist in the way that they do shows what kind of transformations can occur here”. Kirkman also said that while the setting will be very different from Fear’s sister show The Walking Dead, ultimately the two series will also be similar. An old acquaintance of Rick, Morgan has a haunted quality about him and looks like he will play a key role this season. That’s something we’ve seen on a consistent basis throughout the course of the series, and nothing has indicated that will change. They’re fighting for their home, and they will defend that at any cost, against any threat. Kirkman and Seth Meyers get into it. “The Walkers have a bigger presence this season than they’ve ever had”.

Several cast members as well as the producers have teased that the upcoming season will feature a lot more on the zombie threat as compared to the last few seasons. How would you like to win a surprise Zombie gift? Comic fans know the character of Jesus moved to Alexandria from the nearby farming community dubbed the Hilltop Colony, which was under the control of Negan’s dastardly Saviors. Especially when you compare it to The Walking Dead, a show that has always provided excellent characters by bringing new great ones in when others are killed off, you realize that this series is in dire need of someone like Michonne or Daryl. You get to understand time through Rick and where we’re at in the story. I’m watching cuts and I go, “I gotta watch the next one!’ I just hope that’s how everyone else feels”.

In season 5 of “The Walking Dead” the group formed into true survivors but who have they really become? But now, Rick’s group is fighting for something more than survival.


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Fear The Walking Dead