
Don’t panic, says Apple – your new iPhone’s battery is a

A similar controversy arose in 2013, when it was discovered that Apple’s MacBook Pros can come with two different LCD panels, one made by LG, and the other by Samsung.


In response Apple has released a statement (via Ars Technica), saying that the battery life performance between the two chip types in “real-world usage” varies little.

After checking both the tests however, we can say that the real world results might be marginal.

After benchmark tests it seems that phones with the Samsung chip built on the 14nm standard give two hours less charge than those with the 16nm TMSC chip fitted.

Users of the iPhone 6s are asked if they’d like to share diagnostic data anonymously with the company, so Apple monitors things like battery life on the new models. That doesn’t make it any less annoying for those outliers who are putting their devices through more stress and seeing poorer performance than they might if they simply had the larger chip from TSMC. A few of the tests claim that battery life on the iPhone 6S phones could vary by as much as 2 hours depending on the chip in use. Five years on Apple has sound itself facing a new, albeit somewhat less dramatic, controversy. And since Apple sources many of its iPhone components (apart from chips) from multiple companies, testing those parts comes with lots of variables. Another video from Jonathan Morrison revealed minor battery life differences between the TSMC and Samsung iPhones.

However, benchmarks show consistency as far as two identical chip manufacturers are concerned, but a huge difference when a Samsung A9 chip is compared to a TSMC A9 chip. None of this means Apple gets a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Fruity cargo cult Apple has taken the odd step of actually refuting the claims and denied that the Samsung chips burn more juice. Not so, Apple told TechCrunch in a statement.


We should mention that the differences aren’t that big, in order to create a major problem, since no user the issues were pointed out after intense tests which made the chipset deal with a huge workload amount.

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