
SeaWorld banned from breeding in captivity

Meanwhile, the commission approved SeaWorld’s $100 million plan to expand its tanks which SeaWorld expects will enhance the habitat of the whales and improve research opportunities. In addition to banning breeding at SeaWorld San Diego, the coastal commission would ban the transfer of orcas between the San Diego park and other SeaWorld parks.


SeaWorld helps the plight of orcas, which were hated and feared before SeaWorld began opening its parks, spokesman David Koontz said in an email to The Associated Press.

As the SeaWorld gates opened Friday morning, it was clear the killer whales were the main attraction. “We have nothing but the whales” best interest at heart’. A few speakers choked up with emotion and others gave their supporters enthusiastic high-fives.

About 650 people-including activists, company officials, actor Pamela Lee, and concerned citizens on both sides of the controversial project-attended the hearing, with an overflow crowd waiting outside.

But Commissioner Dayna Bochco, who brought up the no-breeding amendment, said she agreed with scientists who believe that the killer whales are suffering in captivity.

“My ideal solution”, said Tiffany Hall, “would be for SeaWorld to eighty-six the whole orcas show”.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released a statement about the vote. But with the ruling, comes with a big warning about the future of their famous orcas.

The company added it would “carefully review and consider our options”.

Anti-captivity activists, who crammed the commission meeting at the Long Beach Convention Center, hailed the decision as the beginning of the end of orca captivity in San Diego. The park is not allowed to breed any more animals in the park, nor can they transport animals in or out of the park. SeaWorld won the approval of the Coastal Commission.

“Can they make an argument that this actually assures the ecological health of the coastal zone?” he said.


The park’s stock price fell 35 percent and attendance dropped 4.5 percent a year ago, which the company said on its website was partially caused by negative media attention stemming from the proposed California legislation. “Not one whale is receiving anti-depressants”, he reportedly said. Nollens said of the project. “These orcas are robbed of everything that is natural to them”.

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