
Biden supporters launch TV national ad

He’d have to ramp up a campaign organization and raise a huge amount of money in a ridiculously short amount of time. Despite widespread speculation, a multitude of op-eds commenting on his chances, and an emotional ad released by a Super PAC dedicated to his potential candidacy, no one really seems to have any idea whether he’ll join the race. For all his talk of his humble upbringing in Scranton, Pa., and his celebrated common-man persona, the vice president is an establishment Democrat all the way to his core.


But a party operative told Daily Mail Online that Biden should stay out of it, saying: ‘It would be nuts’.

“There is no deadline”, an unnamed source tells Klein, he writes on his website Wednesday.

October brings three signposts: the debate, which Biden probably will skip; Clinton’s testimony before a congressional panel investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, which has become a rallying point for her campaign; and a key Iowa Democratic Party dinner on Oct. 24. The candidates who are in the race will be coping with a new level of intensity. And the Q poll suggests they aren’t getting better. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley are both staunchly opposed. “Maybe’s” fine with me; I’d personally be fine with him admitting he’s offering himself as a fallback option if something bad happens to the field.

The vice president “supports the TPP agreement and will help pass it on the Hill”, his office said.

The 90-second ad mixes a speech made by Biden about overcoming personal tragedy with Biden family photos. A favorite among Democratic-leaning activists due to his propensity for unscripted, blunt political assessments, Biden’s appeal has charmed many in the LGBT community who see him as an authentic ally.

With the Democratic race in flux, Hillary Clinton’s husband sat down with Stephen Colbert late Tuesday. “I don’t think this is a big deal”. The speech’s poignancy is magnified by the fact that his oldest son, Beau Biden, passed away just a few days later after a battle with brain cancer.

Titled “Redemption”, the ad features Biden talking about the 1972 traffic accident that claimed the lives of his wife and daughter and almost killed his two sons; one of those sons.

The ad is scheduled to air this week on cable television channels in the US.

Clinton said that while people “will be raising questions” about Biden if he gets in, “I’m not asking and I don’t approve of anybody who is supporting me or say they support me to be focusing on anyone other than the Republicans”.


So, what do we think: Are we hoping for a 2016 Joe Biden presidential run?

How Joe Biden benefits from waiting