
Face-down dummy Halloween prank prompts repeated 911 calls

A few call the police.


“Every years I find something”, said dummy owners Larethia Haddon, that likes Halloween.

She set it out Tuesday on Mendota Avenue, near McNichols as well as having the Lodge Freeway on Detroit’s east part, and policemen came thrice, they says it to The News as well as other mass media. “We’re just really into it. And the kids get a kick out of it in the neighborhood and my grandchildren, also”, she told the Detroit News.

“I’m trying to bring laughter to Detroit”, she said.

Since her husband’s birthday falls on Halloween, they celebrate the holiday in a big way in her family. Since she lives in a busy area near two schools she doesn’t have to wait very long. While it’s always caused a little head-turning, Haddon said this year the dummy has provoked an unprecedencted amount of people to actually call 911.


Haddon said she’s been facing a few financial trouble recently and the popularity of her display has boosted her spirits. Officer Jennifer Moreno tells The Detroit News ( ) that officers arrived again Wednesday and Thursday. Visit the Haddon’s Creations Facebook page for more details. “We can’t take the chance”, Williams said.

A Detroit woman's Halloween decorations have some people wondering if they include a real dead body.                      WXYZ