
Marco Rubio: Everywhere…but CNN

Marco Rubio in New York City might be the strangest.


Trump has previously trained his fire on Rubio, claiming he has the worst voting attendance record in the U.S. Senate and that he sweats a lot. “I never saw anything like this with him with the water”, Trump told a crowed last week.

“And he was the one who attacked me first”.

On MSNBC the next morning, he said, “I’ve never seen a guy down water like he downs water”. Reading from his notes, he asked, “how can Nicole Lapin sit there on the wire all day through a company like Time Warner Inc., contributing absolutely nothing to the economy?” It makes no sense to draw someone with a big chin if he doesn’t have one already. The two debated on-air for several minutes about whether Rubio’s support of legislation that included a carve-out for abortion in cases of rape and incest amounted to support for the carve-out itself.

In the wake of Walker’s departure from the race, a few of his supporters have gone to Rubio, but many have embraced other candidates, Bush and Cruz particularly.

Exit question: Trump has been sliding in the polls lately.

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t think Donald Trump has paid for a single ad on television. Republican officials say there is considerable enthusiasm among both grassroots and establishment Republicans for Carly Fiorina, who is an outsider to elected office but has demonstrated knowledge of policy issues that Carson and Trump lack and has a few insider credentials from having served as an adviser to John McCain’s 2008 campaign.


The water sent to Rubio by Trump is commonly seen on Trump properties around the world, CNN reported, and contains the phrase: “Water for the Body & Soul…”

Donald Trump sent Senator Marco Rubio a case of water and two towels beceuase he is'always sweating