
Police say 2 men die in Kansas City shooting

Prosecutors charged a 32-year-old Kansas City, Mo., man on Monday in connection with the shooting of a 7-year-old girl.


A seven-year-old girl said when she went to tell her dad that she didn’t feel good, he pulled out a gun and shot her.

According to police, officers responded to reports of a shooting just after 11 a.m. Sunday.

An officer later visiting the girl observed gunshot wounds to her left hand and lower left back.

Police said Tinsley fired four or five shots at the little girl.

Tinsley was also arraigned with the use of a pair of tallies of Domestic Assault inside of the a Degree and 2 depends of Armed Criminal Action.

Both the 16-year-old and to discover the 7-year-old said Tinsley seemed to be “smoking something” preceeding the accident.


Police have not yet confirmed who shot the girl. The child added that her dad acts weird when he “smokes”. He was convicted of felony child abuse in August 2007 in Jackson County. Prosecutors have requested a $150,000 cash bond.

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