
Hillary Clinton: Don’t Vote for Fiorina Just Because She’s a Woman

“I’m always in favor of women running”, she said. The fuller contents of the interview conducted on Friday will be included in my forthcoming book, Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works, which will be published in January. Fiorina also mixed in lots of figurative and literal red meat, most notably by attacking Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood with a description of a video that she made up in her head.


Those remarks were an unusual direct criticism of Fiorina.

“Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain”, Fiorina said. It still didn’t show what Fiorina described, but it certainly did raise excellent questions about how that footage was obtained and whether the woman depicted in it, who is most likely having a miscarriage, gave her consent for it to be released.

Produced in conjunction with Mediacom Connections Channel and Gannett, RFD-TV’s RURAL TOWN HALL is a series of one-hour prime-time specials focusing on rural American issues in advance of the 2016 presidential election. “Hillary likes hashtags. But she doesn’t know what leadership means”.

Clinton went on to slam Fiorina particularly for her stance on Planned Parenthood, which Fiorina has vocally condemned and pushed back against Democrats factchecking her claims that the organization is harvesting the organs from live children. But that Planned Parenthood episode was especially embarrassing for Fiorina and the GOP, and beyond attacking Democratic strengths with women, Fiorina’s candidacy has little else to offer. “There’s no fact to it. But it’s worked because it’s scared women to death”, Fiorina told CNN previous year.

Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina will be the next candidate hosted on RFD-TV’s RURAL TOWN HALL this Thursday (Oct. 15). Ms. Fiorina will answer questions directly from listeners statewide about her plan to secure the border as well her views on economic development and individual liberty.


That all happened on September 30, and in the first two polls taken in October, Fiorina is polling at 6%, down from the 12%-15% she enjoyed going into the month. “She will have to speak for herself”, Clinton said.

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