
Clinton outlines gun control plan after Oregon shooting

“The Republicans have spent millions attacking Hillary because she’s fighting for everything they oppose”, the announcer in the ad says. In an interview on Fox News last week, McCarthy tied Clinton’s sagging poll numbers to the special committee House Republicans created to investigate 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya.


McCarthy’s comments are seen by many observers as a startling, honest admission that the very creation of the Benghazi Committee was political and aimed at destroying Clinton’s chances of winning in the 2016 Presidential campaign. After a cut in the tape, the contender for House Speaker says: “What are her numbers today?”

“Everybody thought Hillary was unbeatable, right?”

“This is a classic Clinton attempt to distract from her record of putting classified information at risk and jeopardizing our national security, all of which the FBI is investigating”, said spokeswoman Emily Schillinger.

The trust factor: After McCarthy’s initial comments aired, Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon accused McCarthy of having “confessed that the committee set up to look into the deaths of four fearless Americans at Benghazi is a taxpayer-funded sham”.

They said they would release the full transcript in five days, in order to give Gowdy time to identify any specific information in the transcript he believes should be withheld from the public.

“I think that would be about as stupid a thing as you could possibly do”, said Mr Bloomberg, who threw his political weight and philanthropical wallet behind gun control as a co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Clinton challenged Republicans to confront what she called “the extremism that has taken over this debate”. Expanding the disqualifying criteria – to include, say, people with certain psychiatric diagnoses or people whose disruptive behavior gets them fired from jobs or kicked out of school – would only compound this unconstitutional injustice.

Clinton has been more forceful and passionate about gun control than nearly any other issue during this campaign, telling audiences she is fed up with the intransigent politics of the issue and blaming Republicans for inaction in the face of repeated mass shootings. She stopped just short of saying the committee should be disbanded.

Clinton’s support for repealing the law protecting gun manufacturers presents a contrast with her top opponent, Vermont Independent Sen.

The obvious response is to broaden the criteria for prohibiting people from owning guns.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a “Grassroots” organizational event at Broward State College in Davie, Florida, October 2, 2015. This new ad will be the first one to air nationwide.

Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Saturday Night Live last weekend got fairly mixed reviews. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tie for second with 19 percent each.


GAYLE KING: This morning, Vice President Joe Biden may be moving up his decision on running for president.

Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton has launched an ad highlighting Kevin McCarthy's statements about using the Benghazi hearings to destroy her presidential campaign