
‘Devil’ Is Pictured Flying Over A Golf Course In America

Rumors are rife the notorious devil like creature has been sighted in New Jersey’s Pinelands and has been clicked for the first time. During October, and close to Halloween, Jersey Devil sightings seem to spring to life with nearly ghoulish delight.


Black said he took a few photos of the creature, but alas, the best one still came out blurry. The leathery wings are what give it away.

While we’re not sure what to make of the separate claims by Dave Black and “Emily”, that the Jersey Devil is real and roaming southern New Jersey, one thing we do know: it’s perfectly delightful. If the prospect of an escaped llama terrorizing New Jersey isn’t baffling enough, what Black says he saw next could prove mind boggling. He saw the said creature fly along the Galloway Golf Course with its leathery wings spreading before taking off.

Did I appreciate the fact that Black sent me the photo along with a description of what he claims he saw? He told that he was driving home when he spotted a “llama” running through the woods.

Mr Black swears the image is not Photoshopped or staged in any way. “People have said it’s fake, but it’s not”.

Speculation over the latter has heightened recently after a photo and a separate video surfaced showing what appears to be the likeness of the mythical Jersey Devil.

The Jersey Devil myth dates back to the 18th century, according to Live Science. A website called Weird NJ has posted the Jersey Devil video, along with an explanation by the sender.

“That’s my Mother in Law going home after spending the night in my house”.

A video that was sent to Weird N.J. purports to show a winged creature flying through a dusk sky off of Old Port Republic Leeds Point. I searched online and a few others have similar stories.


Critics have been fairly brutal when it comes to this Jersey Devil sighting.

Video Not A Halloween Hoax Says NJ Witnesses