
Concealed-carry bills spark war of words in Mich. Senate

“Two, the data clearly shows that we have increased public safety when people are allowed to carry guns”. The first offense would draw a fine and a six-month suspension of the concealed-pistol license.


A Senate committee will hear testimony on a proposed law that would let people with concealed-pistol license carry in areas designated as weapons free. “Look we can live with concealed carry as long as we don’t see it and the kids don’t see it”, Green said.

“The criminal knows its a gun-free zone. they know they’re a target.t hey just come on in and do whatever damage they want”, Greg O’Neil with the Michigan Gun Owners said.

The bill was approved 4-1 Tuesday by the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 442 was sponsored by Sen.

Hall said he is a CPL holder and avid hunter who supports gun rights, but “I do not…in any way, shape or form support the ability or opportunity to carry guns in schools, unless they are trained law enforcement officers”.

Green’s bill would allow CPL holders to carry concealed weapons in those places, but ban open carry.

Michigan law now prohibits permit holders from carrying concealed pistols in so-called gun-free zones, but it does not prevent them from openly carrying weapons in those same places.

“My kids have a right to feel safe at school, and so do their teachers and everyone who is part of the educational community”, Kristen Moore, leader of the Michigan Chapter of Moms Demand Action, said in a statement. He’s gone on record to say he doesn’t want guns anywhere at any time. WWJ Lansing Bureau Chief Tim Skubick reports one would ban open carry of weapons in schools and daycare centers the second would allow concealed weapons inside the schools.


Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed similar legislation in 2012, but it’s not clear he would do so again in if the bills pass the Legislature.

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