
‘Blindspot’ Review: Episode 4 ‘Bone May Rot’

This wasn’t a surprising reveal but at least confirms Brown has nothing against Jane. When TV shows drop huge bombshells, it’s only natural that the following episode feels like it’s not almost as exciting. If the audience is willing to accept the idea of an FBI team investigating a 1950s sideshow attraction, it deserves a show that plays fair within those parameters. Let’s take a look at how things played out in this week’s episode, “Bone May Rot”. In the middle of all this, Weller and Jane become closer.


This forces the Federal Bureau of Investigation team back to the office, to figure out what Rebecca might have done with that vial.

This week in “Bone May Rot,” Patterson and boyfriend David – a puzzle expert – find a tattoo clue that results in a trip for the team to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Multiple numbers discovered on Jane’s face relate to infectious diseases, which if released into the public could result in massive die offs, which trigger another clouded memory – and Jane asks Weller to tell her about the night Taylor Shaw disappeared.

Weller says he’s been looking for her since and his boss knows it. That would be Bethany Mayfair who has tried to keep the lid on budding disputes in the investigation team. But after weeks of chastising her for refusing to stay in the auto when instructed, Weller is finally ready to welcome Jane as an equity partner on his team.

“I think how both Kurt and Jane try to process the whole Taylor Shaw of it all is the emotional arc of the first season”, Gero added. Ultraviolet tattoos, man. That’s too much. It was a relief to showrunner Martin Gero, who had always planned for a 22 episode season. Everything in Blindspot is connected, so it feels like this is one of those moments where it’s best to give the series the benefit of the doubt and see what happens next.

As for Jane, she’s back with Borden and Weller, trying to come to terms with her revealed identity.

As to Mayfair, well at the conclusion of last week’s show, she was revealed to be someone who has knowledge of what’s behind all the tattoo clues on Taylor’s body. I’m still not entirely convinced that Jane is truly Taylor (I’m fine if that’s actually the case, though), but the writers are still doing a great job at making it interesting while not completely showing all the cards in their hand at once. Instead of finding anything about her, they discover a plot to blow up the Statue of Liberty.

This seemed like a courageous choice in “Eight Slim Grins”, but just one episode later, it’s clear the Taylor Shaw reveal isn’t part of a wise storytelling strategy.

Luckily for us though, another one of them is being decoded by Patterson (Ashely Johnson). Why tease out the answer to the question the audience would have been most patient about only to back right over it? Seeing what one of the diseases can do right out of the gate makes it all the more terrifying when the audience finds out that one of Jane’s tattoos corresponds to several missing samples.


Suddenly, we’ve been plunged into the personal space of a peripheral character – milky legs, coffee habits and all – who has won greater screen time with each passing episode.

Blindspot- Season 1