
Senate committee cancels vote on civil service changes

The state Senate’s health committee has approved a pair of bills that would strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding and raise its Medicaid expenses. Republicans have amended the bill to outlaw research on fetal tissue cell lines obtained from abortions after January 1 of this year, but the researchers say they need new lines.


The bill opposed by unions representing state workers and Democrats had been scheduled for a committee vote on Tuesday.

Wisconsin state representatives introduced a bipartisan bill Friday that would enable online voter registration in Wisconsin, according to a Monday press release. Mike Mikalsen, spokesman for committee chairman Sen. Nass reportedly wants language added that would leave the question up to the discretion of each state agency.


The bill is on a fast track in the Legislature. Republicans say the changes are needed to modernize the state’s hiring process, which they argue often leads to lengthy delays in filling empty positions and makes it hard for Wisconsin to compete for top talent.

Senate committee cancels vote on Wisconsin civil service changes