
Humble Capcom Bundle Now Available

Now if you want Ultra Street Fighter IV included in your bundle you will have to pay at least $15, compared to the current Steam Price of $30.


The future for Capcom and VR is bright. In their 118-page annual report, it describes each of their departments on what they are planning up for, most specifically Development Divison 1, the teaming that is handling the Resident Evil game development, has begun on focusing on challenging the virtual reality market. The group was responsible for the development of the “Resident Evil” franchise and could be possibly working on a VR game.

Capcom likened the project to the experience found in their “Kitchen” demo, which was shown off at this past year’s E3 event. “The response was excellent”. The team has even revealed it is now “building a new game development engine able to support VR”. “We have just set sail on our latest voyage”.

Takeuchi states that a horror game would be ideal for VR technology.

If you go further and beat the average – now sitting at $7.67 – you will also get Resident Evil Revelations, DmC: Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 5 and a few other titles next week.

According to IGN, Development Division 1, the team working on the “Resident Evil 2” remake, could make a VR test on the game before adding the new feature.


I guess this means we can expect Resident Evil on VR, or maybe Onimusha. “An unmatched horror experience making use of the immersive experience only possible with a VR headset”. Chucking a single simoleon Humble’s way will get you Strider, the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, and Lost Planet 3, which isn’t quite as bad as people like to make out.

Resident Evil VR Could Be on the Way