
Russian missile brought down MH17

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17”, he said in a statement.


All 298 passengers and crew were killed.

Joustra said the investigation determined what happened to MH17, but “also took into account what did not happen”. The Dutch-led inquiry did not say who was responsible, however.

DSB Chairman, Tjibbe Joustra, laid to rest what he said was speculation across the world about the crash.

The makers of the Buk said their tests had shown that the aircraft could not have been hit by a missile fired from rebel-controlled territory.

And while this report does not tackle the thornier issue of who fired the missile, it does lay the groundwork for a separate and ongoing criminal investigation.

“Bringing such a highly sophisticated, extremely risky anti-air missile into Donbass is an example of actions which could be and should be treated as an act of terrorism and a war crime”, Klimkin said.

Almaz-Antei published its investigation results Tuesday, pointing out that the plane was shot down by a 9M38 surface-to-air missile from the vicinity of southeastern Ukraine’s Zaroshchenskoye settlement controlled by the Ukrainian military.

“In the weeks after the MH17 tragedy, the ICAO set up a special task force on risks to civil aviation arising from conflict zones”, he said.

Mr. Joustra said nations in armed conflict should put more effort into the safety of their airspace.

“Our priority now is to find the perpetrators and prosecute them”, Rutte said, adding that it would be “premature” to say anything about the involvement of Russian Federation.

The majority of passengers were Dutch. The board was only responsible for investigating the reasons for why the Malaysia Airlines plane went down.

Although the report did not assign blame, it is nearly certain to further strain diplomatic ties between the Netherlands and its allies and Russian Federation.

The downing of MH17 threw the global spotlight back on the uprising in eastern Ukraine and was followed by a toughening of Western sanctions against Russian Federation.

“We have proven with our experiments that the theory about the missile flying from Snizhne is false”, Almaz-Antey’s director general Yan Novikov told a news conference at a sprawling high-tech convention center in Moscow.

This older missile is banned from use by Russian military as its expiration date passed in 2011, the company said.


While he insisted investigators had not pinned down the exact location of the missile’s launch site, maps shown to reporters clearly showed the area near Donetsk held by pro-Russian separatists.

Official probe: Flight MH17 downed by missile over Ukraine