
Obama Campaign Memo Published, Reveals How To Beat Hillary

Another two-term president is nearing the end of his tenure, but note what happened in last night’s debate when Anderson Cooper offered Hillary Clinton a chance to distance herself from President Obama. I mean, if you counted up the amount of money being spent last night it was in the trillions of dollars. So I guess T.I. can be forgiven because he’s had a really busy decade, and knowing that Hillary Clinton’s extra X chromosome doesn’t mean she’s not qualified to be leader of the free world is probably asking a bit much, right?


Jeb also discussed Hillary Clinton’s emails, stating, “the partisans in that Vegas crowd were all cheering, but that’s a small tiny fraction of the American people”. She had just made a good-humored, no-fuss remark about what it’s like for women to take their clothes off and excrete. “I just don’t see it. I said a month ago that I thought her stock was greatly undervalued, and I would buy it now”.

Obama was adamant about drawing a distinction between the revelations about the Democratic presidential front-runner and cases involving others who were prosecuted for having classified material on their private computers.

Which brings me back to more irony. At the first Democratic debate, Hillary reminded us that her election could have major historical consequences, surely giving women watching at home goosebumps. She meant about going to the bathroom, or using the toilet. “You don’t know what you’re talking about”.

Notably, the team, which included David Axelrod, David Plouffe and Joel Benenson (Clinton’s 2016 pollster), argued that Clinton is simply “driven by politics, not conviction”, playing into the narrative that Clinton takes positions that are the most politically convenient at the time.

“A lot of our supporters nationally were very concerned that we weren’t moving in the national polls”, Larry Grisolano, one of Obama’s top campaign strategists, told me.

But that’s not what he did. When Lincoln Chafee questioned her judgment because she voted for the Iraq War, she said, “I recall very well being on a debate stage, I think, about 25 times with then-Senator Obama, debating this very issue”. And, then he went so far to say that we’d elect the Loch Ness Monster before a woman president.

He may as well have said Ronald McDonald for president.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and Jim Webb referred to Obama twice, Martin O’Malley referred to him three times, and Chafee did once.


After all, where would we be without all day breakfast?

How to Beat Hillary Clinton