
Debate scores record ratings – for Democrats

Sanders said he had a lot of respect for the president, former Senator Jim Webb only said that he would rely less on executive orders, and Clinton simply called attention to her gender difference.


Clinton’s use of a private email server as the secretary of state has raised security concerns, and Republicans have pounced on the controversy.

One of the most interesting features of the debate was the candidates’ deference to Obama. It should be said that the other candidates, all of them reasonable, thoughtful people, tried to invigorate the debate and make it about more than Clinton and her challenger-in-chief, Sanders.

Still, a record-breaking moment in “Lie Witness News” came when another woman complained about how politicians constantly liw as she continued to fib right on-camera. All Democratic candidates seem to want to move forward towards a sane cannabis policy that doesn’t lock people in cages for marijuana, and that is progress, political cynicism or not.

But the biggest cheer of the night during their first debate was when the two front-runners came to an agreement.

Nona Lippincott, a Republican, said she did watch the Democratic debate because she wanted to hear what the other side had to say. Has your impression of the candidates changed after the debate? She said she used to like billionaire businessman Donald Trump until a few things that didn’t sound too presidential started coming out of his mouth recently. They were quickly pushed to the back of the crowd by angry Trump supporters and escorted out of the building by Trump security officials and police officers.

Pundits were quick to praise Clinton’s preparation as the debate wrapped up, citing her deft handling of a slew of criticisms.

She said the debate wasn’t as enlightening as the Republican debate either.

“I would have taken her to task for that, and if she wins the nomination and if I win the nomination, trust me, this is not going to end”, Bush added.


Clinton laughed when we asked her about it, but said she’s had to deal with Republican attacks for years – all the way from the time she lived in the White House to present controversies over Benghazi and her emails. Cohen responded, “I believe so”.

Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton agreed Tuesday night that it's time to stop talking about her emails