
Terrifying video shows bear roaming the hallways of Montana high school

In Bozeman, MT, a black bear made its way into the hallways of Bozeman High School on Wednesday morning.


The bear eventually left through an open exit and police helped guide it back to a more hospitable area.

School officials told MTN News that students and bear alike were not so much agitated by the encounter as they were curious.

As the bear sniffed around the hallway, students peeked out of their classrooms and took videos, Principal Kevin Conwell told the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. The department’s website is woefully short on what to do if you encounter a bear within the halls of a high school.

Officials from the school said there was no current threat to students. There were no up-close personal interactions with the bear, he said. “There’s a wild animal in the building”. “It was a nice, pretty black bear”, he added.

The woman had been walking her dog at the Point of Rocks Fishing Access Site when the incident occurred. He or she didn’t stop to use the restroom, leaving the age-old question of “Does a bear [defecate] in the woods?” unanswered, for now. Open compost piles with kitchen scraps are irresistible to bears. If this keeps up, we’re going to start lining all the entrances to our buildings with hidden bear traps.


Stay away from humans, you animals.

Dog may have chased off bear that attacked Montana woman