
Another Diss of N.H. Primary, This Time from a Top Democrat

New Hampshire’s highest-ranking Democrats are looking from an apology from their leader in the U.S. Senate, after he made “insulting” comments about the state and its first-in-the-nation primary.


Reid a few seconds later said: “I don’t mean to denigrate New Hampshire or Iowa”.

Reid told reporters and political strategists Monday that both New Hampshire and Iowa are not as demographically representative of the United States as a whole as Nevada is.

The video was spotted by the pro-Republican group America Rising, which posted it on YouTube.

The Des Moines Register cornered him after the news conference and asked him to explain what his feelings are about Iowa, which holds the first-in-the-nation vote in the presidential nominating contests, just before New Hampshire’s lead-off primary.

Ayotte, on Wednesday, added that supporters should help “fight back” and “stop Harry Reid”, saying that “I can’t stand the thought that someone who would disrespect our state and threaten our primary is trying to buy our Senate seat”.

In a direct rebuke to his Republican counterpart, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Tuesday that raising the debt limit is non-negotiable. He said that during the process of coming up with delegate selection rules for 2020, no state will get special treatment.

And he doesn’t care if those remarks have early staters in a tizzy. If you look at my history, I’ve been very supportive of the early states as general counsel and as chairman.

After Hassan and Shaheen’s opinions were reported on Tuesday, Alexandra Jaffe, an NBC News reporter, tweeted that Reid “jokingly” apologized in response.


Next door to New Hampshire in the state of Vermont, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ home state, the numbers are similar. “And last time I checked, the NHGOP still hadn’t renounced it’s membership in the RNC following Priebus’ vow to destroy our primary”.

Harry Reid talks Nevada political role on eve of debate