
Illinois Lottery Winners Out Of Luck As Delay In Payments Is Announced

According to the Chicago Tribune, officials say the legislature must authorize the state comptroller to release the funds.

Advertisement & David FreyIn the Land of Lincoln, it’s come to this: Starting today, Illinois will be issuing IOUs for any winning state lottery tickets that pay out more than $600.

Since July, the state has not been making timely payments to players who have won $25,000 or more, triggering a class-action lawsuit in federal court last month against Republican Governor Bruce Rauner’s administration. The state is in its fourth month with out a spending plan.

Won big playing the Illinois Lottery?

The state says once a budget in passed all claims will be paid but it’s unclear when that will be. Two winners, one with a winning ticket worth $50,000 and another victor with a ticket worth $250,000, filed a lawsuit September 9 seeking to stop Illinois from selling tickets for winnings it can’t pay out. Anyone with winnings over $600 will need to wait to collect the money at a later date, NBC News reported Wednesday. Munger made clear, however, that “Retirees will still receive their checks as usual”.


One of the lead plaintiffs in the suit questioned how the Illinois Lottery can continue to operate when they are failing to make payouts to winners. But the impasse has led to an immediate cash shortage, altering the way her office will dole out payments to the system.

The Illinois Lottery