
Church Asks Boy Scouts to Leave Due to Gay Rights

North Boulevard Church of Christ in Tennessee has asked the Boy Scouts to meet elsewhere due to the organization’s acceptance of gay adult leaders.


The equipment trailers for Cub Scouts Pack 457 and Boy Scouts Troop 456 are still in the parking lot of the North Boulevard Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, even though the congregation has chose to end their corporate partnership with Boy Scouts of America.

“They own the unit”, Brown said.

In a statement, Senior Minister David Young says the Scouts have done “a great amount of good” during their partnership with North Boulevard noting that the change in policy spurred their decision. “They’re finding charter partners”. Hanson said earning the rank is the culmination of years of Scouting, and the process was challenging, and tested their knowledge but also looked at how closely they modeled the Boy Scout life.

“The main denomination that partner with the Boy Scouts such as the Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, and the Church of Latter Day Saints they’ve continued their partnership, and their support of the Boy Scouts”, Brown said.

Brown said he talked to the elders at North Boulevard Church of Christ before they made the decision to end the charter. That’s great, what they clearly don’t believe in, however, is equality.

“We just stuck with it”, Love said. “They had a lot of conversation amongst the elders of the church, and it was their decision to do that”. And we continue to remain proud of our past relationship with the Scouts.

Nolan Love, 17, and Ben Hanson, 18, officially became Eagle Scouts at a Boy Scout Court of Honor ceremony September 20 at Temple Baptist Church. “I am excited that the Boy Scouts of America have ended their policy of discrimination”. “Ben has been with me the whole time and we went through this whole process together”.

“The chartering organizations have always had the final say who their leaders will and will not be”, she said.


North Boulevard has partnered with both the Boy and the Girl Scouts for decades. “But of course they are well within their rights to determine who their leadership is, and I think they still would have been able to participate with Boy Scouts of America”.

North Boulevard Church