
Watch Kyle Schwarber rock out in high school show choir

Kyle Schwarber was a star athlete for Middletown High School playing baseball and football.


Those wondering where Schwarber’s monster home run landed were thrilled to learn it will stay right where it fell -atop the new Wrigley Field video board. Weaned on hope and heartbreak, Cubs fans are a special breed.

Something we haven’t all seen is a teenage Schwarber singing a cappella songs with a few spirited choreography, while wearing a four-button white suit.

Schwarber was a junior when these videos were taken, and he stuck with the choir all the way through his senior year.

Sports Mockery discovered a 2010 school newspaper that stated, “Kyle Schwarber dances front and center”.

It was a natural time to look back. The show choir, called the Purple Pizzaz was one of the highlights of Schwarber’s high school career.


However, he may take it back now that this footage is surfacing everywhere … watch him dance it out and sing below.

Here's A Video Of Kyle Schwarber Dancing & Singing In His Show Choir