
GOP hopeful Kasich to detail sweeping balanced-budget plan

John Kasich’s presidential campaign raised almost $4.4 million during the third quarter, leaving him trailing several of his opponents for the Republican nomination.


“We’re going to have a great time”.

With this in mind, yesterday was a missed opportunity for Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R).

A centerpiece of the roadmap Kasich laid out would involve balancing the federal budget within eight years of his assuming the presidency and his pushing for a constitutional amendment that would require a balanced budget annually.

Since other candidates have been raising money longer than Kasich, the $2.7 million the Ohio governor’s campaign had in the bank on October 1 also trails those candidates’ cash-on-hand figures.

“Reclaiming federalism will take the same guts, because those who live off Washington’s bloat won’t go quietly”, Kasich wrote. He showed strength in New Hampshire, where he finished second with 12 per cent in an August. 26-Sept.

John Kasich was taking questions Tuesday at a town hall meeting here for his presidential campaign.

What Kasich’s people said: It sounds like Trump’s people weren’t the only ones upset on the call. While he said the program would “resuscitate” the country, he provided no estimates of increased revenue to balance the budget without cutting spending.

Democrats portrayed Kasich’s plan as more of the same from Republicans. They make up the majority of the voters in the Granite State and can chose either ballot. That nearly certainly leads to big reductions as population growth and inflation rise; of the 11 major programs created through block grants in recent decades, eight have shrunk, a few by as much as 115 percent.

“I loved his style here, but he doesn’t emote that as often when he’s at the debates”, the 66-year-old said.

“It’s time Washington stop micro-managing education”, he said.

Kasich’s tax plan would lower the top individual tax rate from 39.6 percent to 28 percent, reduce long-term capital gains tax rates to 15 percent and eliminate the estate tax, lower the top business tax rates from 35 percent to 25 percent and give incentives to small businesses by doubling the research and development tax credit. Education is a local issue to be decided by parents, our communities and our local educators.

“All the politics, all the focus groups, all the polls, all the TV ratings need to go out the window”, he said. But we’ve got to do well.


New Day for America, a “super” political action committee supporting Kasich’s candidacy, is not restricted by contribution limits and can accept unlimited amounts. I look at every job just like I look at an National Basketball Association player: The more you can score, the more money you make.

Republican presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich of Ohio speaks during a campaign event at the Bow Old Town Hall Tuesday Oct. 13 2015.  ELIZABETH FRANTZ | Concord Monitor