
CNBC Agrees to Debate Format, Trump and Carson Not Dropping Out

And Trump was not the only one complaining. “You prepare for hours and hours and you prepare given the format and the length of the debate”.


Trump and Carson both issued letters to CNBC threatening to pull out of the debate if it wasn’t shortened to two hours.

The debate airs on October 28, live from Boulder, Colorado. So it’s hard to envision a scenario in which CNBC would hold an event that Trump and Carson would sit out.

“What they’re trying to do, they’ve sold out all of their commercials and they want to increase them by an hour”, he said.

The Hill reports that all the GOP candidates would prefer a two-hour debate, and for obvious reasons.

Yet 15.8 million households tuned in, according to Nielsen, the TV ratings company, making it the most widely watched Democratic presidential primary debate by a long shot, dwarfed only by the two Trump-infused GOP debates that have already taken place this year. “I don’t care. I could stand for five hours; I could stand for 10 hours”. So I’m all for three hours.

“It is such a disaster out there – it’s a horror show going on with campaign finance”, he said in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

After Lewandowski spoke, others chimed in-including Kasich campaign manager Beth Hansen, who said the conference call was a “debacle”. Things he said about Hispanics.

Trump’s entry into the race has introduced “a different kind of debate viewer who is watching the candidates’ behavior”, said Galinksy.

Carson collected $20.8 million in the last quarter, over seven million more than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush did. “To be No. 1 in every poll”, he said in a statement Thursday, “and to have spent the least amount of dollars of any serious candidate is a testament to what I can do for America”.

Chris LaCivita, an aide to Kentucky Sen. He may not even qualify for the main stage based on his current polling numbers. There will still, however, likely be a few controversy since CNBC confirmed there will have to be a second, separate forum for the lower polling candidates.

The Carson letter stated that CNBC outlined a 2-hour debate format, plus commercials, and without the statements.

Trump posted a Tweet reporting his glee over the decision to put a 2 hour cap on the debate. “It’s unfair to the viewers”.

“To be clear, neither of our campaigns agreed to either the length you propose or your ban on opening or closing statements”, they wrote Cuddy.

‘Prepared statements are what politicians do, ‘ she said.


He’s taking Saturday off and will participate in a presidential forum Sunday in Plano, Texas.

CNBC Gives in to Donald Trump and Ben Carson's Demand to Shorten Debate