
Russian Federation appeals to United Nations aviation body to open new MH17 probe

But the report will not say who was to blame.


State-owned English-language news channel Russian Federation Today has reiterated this narrative with reports that the country has appealed to the UN’s aviation agency to have the arms manufacturer’s findings included in the Dutch experts’ report.

The report noted that between the end of April and July 17, 2014, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine expanded into the airspace, with reports of at least 16 Ukrainian armed forces’ helicopters and aeroplanes shot down.

The Joint Investigation Team is led by the Dutch national police and prosecutor, with the participation of specialists from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Ukraine. There was sufficient reason to close the airspace as a precaution, but “the Ukrainian authorities failed to do so”, said Tjibbe Joustra, chairman of the Dutch Safety Board.

However, what the report didn’t reveal was who is to be held responsible for the downing.

Rosaviatsia had previously written to ICAO, criticizing DSB investigators over their inquiry methods into the MH17 flight crash.

Information from the first experiment, in which a missile was sacked at aluminum sheets mimicking an airliner’s fuselage, was presented to the Dutch investigators, but was not taken into account, Almaz-Antey chief Novikov said.

He said the findings confirmed that it was a Buk-missile which brought down the aircraft. In August, they said they were investigating fragments “possibly originating from a Buk”.

“Further investigation needs to be done, and it would seem to me an objective spirit that the Russians would say that this is the right thing to do as well”.

Almaz-Antei published its investigation results on Tuesday, saying the plane was shot down by a 9M38 surface-to-air missile from the vicinity of Ukraine’s Zaroshchenskoye settlement controlled by the Ukrainian military.

The government in Kiev rejects these claims as groundless.

Western nations have accused Russia-backed rebels of mistaking the plane for a military aircraft and shooting it down. Yes, bold-faced lies are indeed a way of life in Vladimir Putin’s Russian Federation.

The meeting with families of victims came ahead of the official presentation later Tuesday of the investigation’s final report.


Meanwhile, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told breakfast show “Sunrise” on Wednesday that she is sure that MH17 was “in fact” brought down by a Russian manufactured missile.

Flight MH17 crashed in 2014 killing all 298 passengers