
Man targeted in Islamophobic attack on London bus

A man hurled Islamophobic abuse at a pensioner on a London bus and then threw his zimmer frame into the street.


“Unclear as to what sparked the incident, the abuser can be heard shouting at the elderly man to “go back to Turkey” as well as yelling a range of swear words and threatening to “shove a pig’s c***” in the man’s mouth”.

He later insults Allah and warns him the zimmer is “gonna go flying when the bus stops”.

Video that appeared online on Sunday appeared to show the man being verbally abused by a black man on the bottom deck of a London bus. Nobody knows. Go back to Turkey and say that s***. Oh no you can’t because s*** gets blown up in Turkey.

The victim, thought to be Turkish, is threatened with violence and subjected to a torrent of abuse for more than three minutes as the bus travelled through Tottenham.

‘That’s why you’re here mate – free benefits and a walker. “You get up again and I’ll slap you silly”.

The attacker is then seen throwing the passenger’s walking frame from the double-decker bus.

Footage of the verbal assault was filmed by another passenger.

“Towards the end of the clip the man shouts about someone calling the police before saying “Sorry folks” to the other passengers and telling them to ‘Vote UKIP and close the borders”.

The Metropolitan Police is also investigating the situation, after a woman was arrested following reports of an incident in North London.


An earlier video that appeared online last week showed two Muslim women, one of whom was pregnant, being assaulted in an Islamophobic attack by another woman on a bus.

Man throws pensioner's walker off London bus after Islamophobic rant