
California Passes Mandatory Vaccination Law

The current California law meanwhile still provides some loopholes, with children able to avoid being vaccination with a medical exemption or if their parents agree to keep them in homeschool.


Opponents include Californians for Vaccine Choice, whose website asserts the law, Senate Bill 277, “would eliminate a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure”.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Brown cited “weakened public health defenses” against preventable diseases like measles as part of the reason why California is getting this new law. Whereas it is true that any medical intervention entails some level of risk, the science on vaccine efficacy is clear and overwhelming. California joins Mississippi and West Virginia in having the toughest vaccines laws on the books.

Three years ago, in a relatively mild precursor to this year’s school vaccination bill, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation requiring parents to consult a health professional before declining vaccinations for their schoolchildren.

Those who decline the vaccinations would have to enroll their children in a home-based private school or public independent study program based off campus.

Carrey took to Twitter just hours after the bill was signed to begin attacking Brown.

California, like other USA states, mandated vaccinations for school children decades ago, after it was shown that inoculation could prevent such childhood scourges as polio, pertussis and measles.

The move comes in the wake of a measles outbreak linked to Disney Land, which is in California, earlier this year. The topic has drawn such acidic debate that the authors have been added under extra security and a recall effort has been launched against at least two lawmakers who supported the proposal. “He encourages all Arizona families to be proactive, consult their pediatricians and vaccinate their children”.

“The science is clear”, Pan said.


The attorney general’s office has yet to receive any other petitions for a vaccine bill referendum, a spokeswoman said. Preschools will also require that your child be vaccinated. The amendments included the inclusion of grandfather clause, that lets students maintain their personal belief exemption, until their next vaccine checkpoint, which would occur in kindergarten and seventh grade.

Anti-Vaxxers Vow Legal Challenges Civil Disobedience After CA Vaccination Law Signed