
California’s new school vaccine law now one of the strictest in nation

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) recently criticized actor Jim Carrey for calling Gov. Jerry Brown in California a “fascist” for making the vaccine bill a law in the state.


The new law aims to boost immunization rates by requiring that children be vaccinated to attend public or private daycare or school.

It has been suggested by sites such as The Wrap that Carrey’s anger may be traced back to his relationship with model Jenny McCarthy, who believes her son developed autism as a result of vaccinations and is very outspoken on the issue.

“California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminium in mandatory vaccines”, he posted.

Jerry Brown on Thursday signed a bill into law that effectively removed a controversial reference to lynching from the state’s criminal code. Make sense? I am not anti-vaccine.

The ingredient Carrey mentions in his tweets, thiomersal (which he spells thimerosol), is a mercury-based preservative used in some vaccines, as well as nasal products and tattoo inks.

The new legislation removes personal belief exemptions to vaccinations for religious reasons. “I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury”. They are corrupt. Go to watch the documentary and judge for yourselves.

The actor reiterated that he was “pro-vaccine” but “anti-neurotoxin” before ending his rant. “While it’s true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community”.

This has been happening a lot lately, but in the past year especially, California has had quite a few problems with disease outbreaks due to parents not vaccinating their children. “Why would you put something in your child’s body if you think it will harm them and the state says you should do it?”

Former Assemblyman Donnelly stated, “This referendum is not about vaccinations; it is about defending the fundamental freedom of a parent to make an informed decisions for their children without being unduly penalized by a government that believes it knows best”.


After Twitter followers debated with Carrey, he sent another series of messages trying to justify his opposition, saying he was not anti-vax, but anti-neurotoxins. LA times wrote that the new law allows exemptions for schoolchildren only in the judgment and sound discretion of the physician.

Jim Carrey goes on Twitter vaccination rant