
GOP must condemn Trump: Hispanic leaders

America Ferrera took it upon herself to publicly react towards Donald Trump’s big announcement in New York on June 16.


Mateo said anyone who has not denounced Trump’s position is weak and does not deserve any support from Hispanic during the election time. While your comments are incredibly ignorant and racist, I don’t want to spend my time chastising you.

As results of the remarks, NBC and Univision have pulled out of covering the Miss Universe pageant.

This, while other Republican presidential candidates are struggling to gain momentum and regain the spotlight.

Trump fired back, saying in a statement it was his decision to end ties with Macy’s “because of the pressure being put on them by outside sources”.

“I don’t think he understands the challenge, obviously”, Perry said. Because, you know, this is the United States of America, where I have a right to speak up even if I’m not a billionaire.

Bush, who initially commented about Trump only in an interview in Spanish, stepped up his criticism significantly over the weekend, calling Trump’s remarks “extraordinarily ugly” and “wrong”. “Maybe we’ll have a chance to have an honest discussion about it on stage”, he told reporters, referencing the upcoming presidential debates. But in a subsequent radio interview, he said Trump is “a really wonderful guy (who’s) always been a good friend”. Somebody said I made a fantastic speech two weeks ago.


-Rubio said the next president “needs to be someone who brings Americans together – not someone who continues to divide”. “I think Donald points to a very important thing, which is we have a serious problem of illegal immigration in this country that is undermining American workers: by flattening out wages and lowering the standard of living for those in the USA legally. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over”. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best”, Trump said during his campaign launch speech. No, Mr. Trump, you may not reduce us to drug dealers and rapists. “They’re rapists.” And then he added as an afterthought: “And some, I assume, are good people”. “And the most His-pandering president we ever had was George Bush, and it was ‘Oh whoa, he got 40 percent of the Hispanic vote.’ Well that’s still losing”. Marco Rubio and 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney have all condemned Trump in recent days for the tone and substance of his remarks. “I never will. I will stand up and say that those remarks were offensive”.

Republican presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush center shakes hands while participating in the Fourth of July Parade in Amherst N.H. Saturday