
Jim Carrey Calls Jerry Brown a Fascist, and CDC Corrupt

Canadian-born comedian twitter-tirade/” target=”_blank”>Jim Carrey has gone on a bit of a Twitter tear, lashing out against California’s new mandatory vaccination law, insisting he’s not anti-vaccine, just “anti-neurotoxin”.


The actor slammed California Gov. Jerry Brown for signing Senate Bill 277, writing that the Governor “says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum” with the mandatory vaccines.

The ingredient Carrey mentions in his tweets, thiomersal (which he spells thimerosol), is a mercury-based preservative used in some vaccines, as well as nasal products and tattoo inks.

Under the newly passed law, residents who send their children to public schools must abide by vaccination regulations, and can’t opt-out due to personal or religious beliefs.

“With the stroke of a pen, Gov. Brown took away a really important choice for parents to make”. The legislation was prompted in part by an outbreak of measles traced to Disneyland that began in late December and ultimately spread to more than 130 people across the state.

Carrey then followed up by explaining his side of the debate.

Carrey, who dated ex- “The View” co-host Jenny McCarthy from 2005-2010 and helped raise her autistic son Evan during that time, has been vocal about his beliefs that mercury in vaccines and autism are linked.

Brown noted that the state Legislature amended the bill to allow exemptions from immunizations whenever a child’s physician specifically concludes there are reasons they are not advisable. According to the CDC, thimerosal at extremely low levels preserves the vaccines and has no effect on human health; however, since 2001, it has been removed from all but a select few as a precautionary measure. “History will show that that was a reasonable request”, Carrey tweeted. In caving to unscientific fears about thimerosal, said Offit, the CDC’s decision to remove the additive may have actually alarmed parents more – not reassured them – when it came to vaccination safety. It’s too risky to admit they have been wrong about mercury/thimerasol. However, some Christians have expressed support for the new law.

He said he signed the bill that while all medical interventions present some risks, there is evidence that such immunization “protects the community”.

Carrey, meanwhile, continued his Twitter missive into Wednesday, telling his more than 14 million followers that “all we are saying is, ‘Take the neurotoxins out of the vaccines.’ Make them toxin free”.




Jim Carrey