
Canada elects pro-LGBT Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada ushered in a new era on October 19, as voters handed the Liberal Party a majority government.


“They did a number of things that really alienated their base – and if Conservatives don’t vote for us, then who will?” he asks. However, there is growing speculation that U.S. President Barack Obama may reject the pipeline, perhaps as soon as this week.

However, despite Trudeau supporting the Keystone XL expansion project, he will willingly accept rejection should Obama decide it. The reason?

Good fortune to our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!

Pierre Elliot Trudeau served as prime minister for nearly 16 years before retiring in 1984.

Trudeau channels the star power – if not quite the political heft – of his father. How long the Trudeau honeymoon will last is largely up to the leader and his team.

Who could have predicted Justin Trudeau’s Liberals would win this big 12 weeks ago?

“I look forward to working closely with you to further expand and deepen the relationship between our two countries in the years ahead”, he said. He said positive politics led to his victory.

“We put everything on the table, we gave everything we have to give, and we have no regrets whatsoever”, he said. “He will work to re-position Canada to the Canada it used to be”. Finally, the Canadian election may spur increased integration of North American carbon markets. Climate change may be up early.

“The people are never wrong”, Harper told supporters in Calgary. “The disappointment is my responsibility and mine alone”.

Trudeau has promised to issue a climate policy within 90 days, just in time for the global negotiations in Paris set to take place in December.

“A sea of change here. This is not what we hoped for”, said Peter MacKay, a former senior Conservative cabinet minister, shortly after polls closed in Atlantic Canada.

Harper, 56, visited districts he won in the 2011 election in an attempt to hang onto them.

Will it be the same old political story: Old-style political pork barreling and taking care of your friends with political sinecures to the party faithful; or will Trudeau bring a fresh new perspective and the openness and integrity he espouses?

The NDP and leader Thomas Mulcair were considered frontrunners when the campaign started, but were dealt a devastating blow with Monday’s election results.

Today, women make up 26% of the Canadian house of commons – better than the US House of Representatives, in which women make up just 15.7% of seats, but not as good as the British House of Commons, which has 191 women out of 650 MPs, giving it 29.4% representation.


Doukas goes on to offer extraordinary clarity on all of the above and also offers a thought or two on the Conservative Party’s newly implemented vote suppression techniques they seem to have picked up recently: “The Conservatives in Canada were learning lessons around voter disenfranchisement from GOP politicians south of the border”.

With a majority mandate, Trudeau must respect voters and deliver 'real change'