
Parents From Viral Video Give Updates As Preemie Fights For His Life

Arkell says his wife ignored the risks and continued to carry the baby until he reached a point where he would have the best chance of survival.


Their baby, Kaleb, was born four months early because he was putting his mother’s health at risk. It’s always been in His Hands, so we hold on to Him.

Though the baby is in serious condition and having just 5% chance of surviving, the mother is expected to fully recover soon.

“She refused to go on with the delivery until it was a time where they could actually take care of him in the neonatal intensive care unit”, Graves told People. “[Doctors] were telling her, ‘This could affect your liver, this could affect your lungs, this may affect your heart, ‘ but her determination was to make it to one particular day”.

After delivery, Dana was in critical condition but has been upgraded to stable.

“She’s doing better now”. Dana recorded Arkell’s reaction to learning he was going to be a father.

In the video, Dana has her husband check what’s cooking in the oven.

Arkell Graves expects his wife Dana to come home from the hospital by Monday. Video of the reveal captured the hearts of many when it was picked up by news outlets around the world – gaining close to 10 million views on YouTube.

Currently, the family have over $1,000 donated and the page has over 4,500 shares on Facebook. I’m grateful to God, my wonderful husband Arkell and my unbelievable family.

The couple announced this week that they had a few setbacks, when they said on Facebook that Griffin-Graves was in the critical care center as doctors tried to stop her from delivering the infant too early.

“It just didn’t work out, so we kind of gave up”, Dana said. Dana recently started walking with her friends, but she wasn’t losing weight like they were. However, she then discovered she was five months pregnant and was due in February 2016.’You’re pregnant!’ he exclaims, his face suddenly spreading into a huge grin.

“I was ecstatic”, she said. “We hadn’t planned anything, we weren’t trying”. The mommy-to-be put literal buns in the oven, and next to the buns, she placed a sonogram picture.


‘You’re pregnant!’ he shouts again, this time swinging his arms in excitement.

Viral video pregnancy couple have baby 16 weeks early