
Instagram’s New Boomerang App Helps Capture and Share 1-Second Loops of Life

Instagram has a new tool called Boomerang for taking short videos that play forwards and then backwards.


You simply need to open the app, press the button that will allow you to take pictures while your subject is in action (sometimes that’s you) and then will automatically turn the photos into a looping gif.

If Instagram pushes Boomerang to its user base of more than 400 million, the new app could have a chance. Now the picture-sharing app is introducing another subsidiary with its newest stand-alone app, Boomerang.

It enables users to shoot a one second burst of five photos, which basically looks like a video on infinite loop. “Transform an ordinary selfie with your friends into a amusing video”. Available in both Android and iOS platforms, this app creates GIF-Like looping videos, which is the app combines photo into one second videos that play forward and backward in a loop. Boomerang is Instagram’s third standalone app.

The video below talks through how the Boomerang works and social media fiends might want to check it out. Users can shoot in portrait or in landscape. It’s fair to say that this is Instagram’s answer to Apple’s Live Photos feature. “Now, with Boomerang, we can’t wait to see what you’ll create next”.


I’m already seeing the collection of goofy and giddy video loops flooding my social media timelines, and I’m here for it. Send in the Boomerangs! There are still a lot of people who cannot script longer videos.

Instagram's Boomerang app creates one second looped videos on iOS and Android