
Malcolm Turnbull hits out at Nick Xenophon’s relationship with his NXT team

The Prime Minister went on to relay a conversation he had held with “Brett the chef” ahead of the interview.


“That is a business that you could well imagine here”.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten believes the government has an “undeclared plan” to put a GST on everything and increase the rate. “I would be a bit sceptical about that and I am not talking about the politics… we have so much other affordable sources of energy, … but playing that part in the nuclear fuel cycle I think, is something that is worth looking at closely”.

Mr Turnbull would only say a “substantial” amount of the build would happen in South Australia but said he wanted to see Australia having a substantial defence industry and he was “very committed to Australia having a very strong defence industry”. “With enough storage, we could do it in this country with solar and wind”. Dr Finkel is a supporter of nuclear energy as a low to zero-emissions technology.

‘The cost of setting up a nuclear industry from scratch is expensive, ‘ he told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday.

“So I was not hanging around to become leader of the party again, I can assure you that”, he said.

The Australian Conservation Foundation described Turnbull’s comments as “ill-considered” and warned that radioactive waste was “a complex and contested policy area”.

“When Nick ran in a legislative council here in South Australia he ran with a fellow candidate, colleague, who subsequently split up with him and of course we have seen the recent episode with Clive Palmer”, he said.

On the GST, Mr Turnbull confirmed an increase was likely to form part of his government’s re-election pitch to voters in 2016 but that it would come with strings attached, including new obligations for state governments to find savings and improve service delivery. They are not clones of Nick Xenophon.

“But Nick will be running Xenophon Team candidates”.


Shorten said while Turnbull had floated lots of ideas since taking over the Liberal leadership, the government’s next budget would be “a test of the Liberal thought-bubble machine”.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is ramping up to challenge for 11 seats in South Australia at the next federal election