
Wild gameplay footage features so many playable animals

From Michel Ancel, the creator of Rayman, comes newly announced PS4 exclusive WiLD. It’s called WiLD and it looks like one of the PlayStation 4’s most unique games yet.


During the Sony Conference at Paris Games Week, WiLD was showcased in gameplay walkthrough video spanning over 5 minutes.

Although WiLD takes us to what’s now a trendy pre-historic setting (Far Cry: Primal, Horizon Zero Dawn), it’s the mechanics of the game that make this so special. Instead of the hunters depicted in the reveal trailer, players will now assume the role of a magical shaman who can use his powers to possess wild animals, such as eagles, rabbits, and ravens. While the cannibals are distracted the shaman rides in on the bear and starts his attack. We knew it had something to do with animals and tribalism, but that was about the only glimpse we caught. “So we decided that in WiLD every creature should be playable, even the giant and risky ones!”


An open world action-survival game, WiLD is still in the early stages of development and without a release date.

The hype is palpable