
The ‘Trumpkin’ and other famous faces on pumpkins

Donald Trump would be a horrific liability as President because he is so aggressively stupid.


The caricature is painted on a 374-pound pumpkin and took 10 hours to create. Paras said the pumpkin will be on display throughout the holidays.

Paras” path to Trumpkinhood began with a trip to an annual pumpkin show in central Ohio during the late “80s.

“I have become known for “pumpkinizing” celebrities and political figures every Halloween since 1988″, Paras writes on Facebook.

Photos of “pumpkinized” Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs, Kim Jong Un, OJ Simpson and Britney Spears, among others, can be found on her Facebook page. So, this year’s focus was no surprise.

“Early detection is critical”, Paras said. The “Trumpkin” includes a yard sign that mimics a Donald Trump campaign sign, with the slogan, “Make Pumpkins Great Again!”


The hair was obviously the most hard and time-consuming part, but that didn’t stop Paras, who recently underwent breast surgery to prevent a second cancer diagnosis, from successfully tackling her seasonal interpretation of the outspoken businessman.

Trumpkin- Donald Trump pumpkin