
Ben Carson replaces Donald Trump as Republicans’ top choice for US

The Republican candidates will meet on the debate stage Wednesday night, providing a third opportunity for them to differentiate themselves.


In any normal election cycle he would be a leader of the pack, a focus of media attention. A new CBS News/New York Times poll released Tuesday found that 48% of Republicans now say they are paying a lot of attention to the campaign.

Trump, for months, absolutely dominated in Republican primary polls. Trump called the Super PACs supporting rivals like Ben Carson and Jeb Bush “a terrible, disgusting scam”.

“If Donald Trump is going to attack Carson he will have to do it artfully and in a way that doesn’t offend everybody”. “The other people shouldn’t even be up there to be honest with you”, he told Tur. “Let me tell you something”. He said Sunday he would not be dragged into the “mud pit”, and his campaign has remained above the fray, highlighting the candidate’s serious, measured temperament. “It’s foolish to think that you can come across as anti-Latino and have this insane rhetoric and policy positions to back it up, and expect to have the support of the community”.

Donald Trump’s latest stop on the campaign trail included a visit to Sioux City’s West High school drawing a large number of supporters but also a significant amount of protestors. “Political correctness is a wet blanket on free thought and Trump understands that nearly more than any other candidate out there”.

Trump said that, as president, he would allow veterans to get care from their private doctors at the government’s expense if they can’t get an appointment with the VA. Trump said that would end up costing less money and patients would end up getting better care. “Well, that’s just insane”.

It might be insane, but so far in this primary it is proving intoxicating to a certain type of angry right wing voter. However Trump has proven that a few of the political laws of physics don’t apply to him. Trump told his audience that he doesn’t know who his main competitor is, noting that it’s definitely not Carson or Sen. Trump then tweeted that Bush couldn’t provide the “energy and spirit” America needs, and later said the former Florida governor was “lost” and his campaign is in disarray. “We’re also gonna get jobs for the people who are here”, Trump said. And a Quinnipiac University showed him trailing Carson by 8 percentage points among Iowa Republican voters. Chief Executive Officer Carly Fiorina tied at 7 percent. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was among the most interesting figures in politics.

“This is ridiculous”, Mr Christie’s campaign manager, Ken McKay, fumed during a tense meeting with RNC staff, “We’re in a restroom”.

Debate starts at 8pm Wednesday (US Eastern) or 11am Thursday (ADST), broadcast by CNBC.

Ending birthright citizenship and discussing a mass deportation of the around 12 million undocumented immigrants in the USA were key issues where Trump has failed, Aguilar said.


A 6 p.m. ET “undercard” debate will feature four bottom-tier candidates: Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Lindsey Graham.
