
Oklahoma Judge Rules Beheading Suspect Competent for Trial

Alton Nolen kept his head down low as he entered the court room and kept it down through most of the hearing today both his cousin and sister were called to the courthouse to testify on his behalf.


A psychologist hired by defense attorneys testified Monday Nolen is incompetent and mentally retarded, a term still found in Oklahoma law even though it is now considered offensive in society. Police said Nolen had recently become a Muslim.

But prosecutor Greg Mashburn said Nolen could help if he wanted to.

Since one unanswered question is whether Nolen can express himself well, Walkley said she wouldn’t rule until after listening to a 15-minute recording that had been made of the suspect speaking to someone by telephone from the Cleveland County jail.

“He said, ‘They weren’t treating me fairly, ‘” psychologist Shawn Roberson testified Tuesday.

“He wasn’t anxious about the afterlife”.

Dr. Anita Russell, a defense witness, testified Nolen is intellectually impaired, can not communicate with his attorneys and wants to receive the death penalty.

Nolen had been suspended from his job at Vaughan Foods processing plant where they worked when the attack occurred on September 25, 2014.

Hufford died from her injuries, but Johnson survived.


Nolen is also accused of stabbing 43-year-old Traci Johnson numerous times before being shot by Mark Vaughan, the former chief executive officer of Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma, and a reserve sheriff’s deputy at the company.

Alton Nolen